Sunday, October 27, 2013

SV#4: unit I concept 2 - Graphing Logarithmic Equations

In this video we are to graph logarithmic equations. Things that we have to be careful of are to get the correct h. When we get the value of h we get the opposite of what is given to us in the equation. When getting the k it is the same value that is given to us in the equation. We also have to remember that when finding the x intercept we put y=0, and when finding the y intercept we must plug in 0 into x. The asymptote is x=h. So this means that when graphing we will have a vertical line and our graph will be on the right side of the asymptote. I hope that this video helped clarify anything that was unclear. Thank you for watching.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

SP3: Unit 1 Concept 1

Somethings that you might have to be aware of is that when solving for the asymptote y=k. Also, when finding the x-intercept the equation is set equal to zero but also we can not find the ln of a negative number which means that there will be no x-intercept if this happens. For the domain it is all numbers on the x intercept are valid. These are just some keypoints that i wanted to clarify.

I hope this SP helped solve this problem. Thank you for your time.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

SV#3: Unit H concept 7: Finding logs with Given Approximations

This video will go over Unit H Concept 7. We are given some information that we are to use in order to find our Treasure. These given clues must be used in order to find the answer to our problem. The "clues" that we are given stand for a letter and they spell out our code. This code will evaluate if we are correct on the problem.

Some thing that we have to pay close attention to is the way that we breakdown our treasure. When we breakdown our treasure we must use our Givens to get our answers. When we have fully broken down the treasure we must plug in the logs that we have already been given, This means that substitute back in. When we substitute back in we make sure that we fully simplify. ONce this is done we just substitute the letters in and that will be our code.

Thank You for watching.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

SV#2: Unit G:concepts 1-7: how to solve and graph rational functions

This problem demonstrates the difference between a horizontal asymptote and a Slant Assymptote. It goes by a step by step instructions as to how to solve and graph these rational functions. There are multiple steps that are to be done in order to get to graphing or to get to the next step. Each section has its own method of solving things but not everything is overly complicated. Make sure to solve this problem yourself before watching the video.

Some things that you must be very careful with is when solving for the x intercepts you only set the factors equal to zero to the ones that have not been canceled. Which. Means that if it is a hole then you do not set that equal to zero. also when trying to find the limit notation be very careful as to what direction you are looking at because depending in the direction the infinity sign will change from negative to positive. If there are don points on that side if the graph then it will most likely mean that it is a positive infinity. Also, if you do not feel so sure about your graph or if you want to be more accurate then try to plug in  as many key points  as possible. you just write inn the equation and press graph then press trace and the number of the x value you are trying to find. This will help make a more accurate graph.

I hope this  video helped. Than you for watching. ☺️