We see on the graphs that there are 4 colors that show different sections. The red represents the first quadrant, green represents the second quadrant, orange represents the third quadrant, and blue represents the fourth quadrant. When we are graphing tangent we look at the pattern that is being placed. which would be positive, negative, positive, negative since that is what they are on the unit circle. Asymptotes are formed whenever we have an undefined answer and on the graph an undefined answer would be on pi/2, 3pi/2. The order in which we graph would be positive, asymptote cutting the graph, negative, positive, another asymptote splitting the graph, and negative. Creating an uphill graph is we only look at one period.
For cotangent in there are undefined answer would be in 0, pi, 2pi. The graph would be positive to negative attached then it would break because of the asymptote creating an downhill graph. If we compare the two graphs of a tangent and we see that the asymptotes are placed on a different spot changing the pattern of the graph from uphill to downhill. Depending on where the asyptotes are located of the graph it will change the way that it looks because asymptotes serve as a wall barrier that does not allow the graph to go through it.
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